- Peel-Maas Google maps
- Givet - Charleville-Mézières on Google maps (or kmz). Also check out voie vertes.
- Tunnel du Bois Clair (Voie Verte, Cluny, France) on Google maps (or kmz). Also, check out YouTube.
- Aalst-Maastricht on Google maps (or kml)
- Groene Wissel Deurne (num 25); track on Google maps [21km]
- Groene Wissel Oisterwijk (num 34); track on Google maps [15km]
- Olland; track on Google maps [15km]
- De Loonse en Drunense Duinen; track on Google maps [18km]
- Elsinga's Quest page (most notably the track to route)
- GPX to KML (or KMZ): Google earth can open GPX and save as KMZ; or use this web tool
- Labeled point on google maps
- Google maps latitude and longitude
- Find LON/Lat in google maps: Copy this "link" and paste it in the URL bar of a Google maps page like "Labeled point on google maps"
The link is actually a small script: javascript:void(prompt('Map center',gApplication.getMap().getCenter())); or right click and google maps and select "What's here".